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Foreign secretary S. The NSG being a non-treaty group, it has no criteria for membership, only factors for participation. The US too ignored the 2010 commitments as commercial considerations trumped strategic logic.India’s abortive bid to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the fracas over China’s filibuster has caused a domestic political storm. This country learnt in 1962 that few nations will openly confront China on India’s behalf.

As a result, enhanced liability was imposed on operators as well as suppliers and manufacturers. Our success will lie in combining their shared angst to contain China. Jaishankar’s visit to Beijing apparently led the government to believe that a Modi-Xi deal was possible. Other measures can be examined like closer scrutiny of Chinese imports to punish dumping, freezing Chinese visa liberalisation, stalling Brics that India now chairs, discouraging Chinese-sponsored banks like AIIB and sharply raising military assistance to Asean nations like Vietnam and increasing naval exercises in the Indo-Pacific region.

Thus the timing of the application at this juncture was not entirely whimsical.However, the assessment of Chinese resistance and the government’s public mesغير مجاز مي باشدing went awry. He tweets at @ambkcsingh. The UPA, to maintain momentum, bargained for all or nothing.The Chinese ploy in Seoul worked when they proposed that the NSG first consider “technical, political and legal aspects of the participation of non-NPT countries in NSG” before considering the Indian application. The US in any case wanted India to first join the Australia Group and the Wassenaar Arrangement before approaching MTCR and NSG, both being informally NPT-linked. These too have been flexibly applied earlier, including when China applied.

However, in practice, India must adopt appropriate counter-measures. The Opposition has called it Narendra Modi’s Waterloo, while the BJP says it’s another step in a process. China in fact breaches the letter and spirit by assisting Pakistan’s unsafeguarded nuclear programme after China’s 2004 NSG entry, disingenuously declaring in 2010 additional outstanding agreements with Pakistan for plutonium reactors that it “forgot” to declare in 2004. However, India formally applied for NSG membership only on May 12, 2016 after the nuclear liability issue was resolved and Westinghouse promised reactors in India. China could hardly ignore this reasoning. Henry Kissinger had suggested that the Chinese are known to seek solutions to disputes through escalation rather than negotiations.Pakistan clearly is nowhere near meeting all these criteria, whereas India does and hence got the 2008 waiver. China promptly had Pakistan join the queue.

This logically followed the 2005 India-US civil nuclear energy agreement and the 2008 India-specific NSG waiver. Even the 2010 India-US joint statement prescribes a phased manner for Indian entry after consulting and encouraging “the evolution of regime membership criteria”. It was America’s strategic response to China’s rise. Did India rush its application without neutralising China and other objectors Was it a misreading of consistent negative signals as Chinese posturing Finally, did Mr Modi err in pleading with China’s President Xi Jinping The United States supported Indian membership of the four technology control regimes — Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG); Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR); Australia Group; and Wassenaar Arrangement — in the joint statement during President Barak Obama’s first India visit in November, 2010. Simultaneously, the BJP claims that India’s entry into the Missile Technology Control Regime is Mr Modi’s coup and not the culmination of a similar process. Mr Modi taking it up with President Xi in Tashkent, on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit, defied all diplomatic wisdom as win-or-lose gambits are always avoidedable at the summit level.

In a television interview he underplayed the NSG fiasco and Chinese duplicity. President Obama’s goodwill and expiring term narrowed India’s window of manoeuvre. Perhaps the Chinese foreign ministry, normally isolated from decision-making processes, contributed to the Indian misreading of Chinese intent. However, in 2011, when the rules were being framed, the Fukushima nuclear accident in March and a Bhopal court’s revival of compensation and punishment issues regarding the 1984 Bhopal gas disaster conflated to inflame public opinion. Uncertainty over the American presidential elections, particularly if Donald Trump wins, and realising that any newly-elected US President would hardly have India’s NSG application as his/her top priority also dictated urgency. India should quickly join the Australia Group and the Wassenaar Arrangement; China again not being a member of either. Foreign nuclear power firms shied away from India.Mr Modi’s response to the Chinese stonewalling will determine his emergence or failure as a statesman. India was being unshackled from decades of high-technology denial, imposed after India’s 1974 nuclear test.A series of questions arise. As an MTCR member from June 27, India gets a veto on the Chinese application as well as a forum to highlight the clandestine Sino-Pak undermining of technology regimes.The writer is a former secretary in the external affairs ministry. When Mr Modi declared on June 8 in Washington that the “hesitations of history” were over, the Chinese read it as an emerging India-US concord.The Chinese objections also defy logic.Dr Manmohan Singh’s UPA government, hobbled by corruption scandals, could not fix the liability issue. What the South Korean chair got bullied into not articulating was that the opening paragraph of the 2008 NSG waiver to India affirms Indian credentials and reflects the criteria they seek. This gave cover to traditional non-proliferation ayatollahs like point-supported glass curtain wall Manufacturers Ireland and Brazil, who may not have openly opposed India on their own.To operationalise the India-US civil nuclear agreement, the nuclear liability law was enacted in 2010 just before Mr Obama’s visit. India’s structured dialogue with the NSG since 2008 enabled an annual exchange of views and Indian supporters kept India’s membership hopes alive. The eight factors are: separation of civil and military programmes; acceptance of IAEA safeguards; signing of the additional protocol (which incidentally many NSG members have not); credible export control regimes; harmonisation with the NSG’s latest control systems; voluntary moratorium on nuclear testing; and acceptance of a Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty

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[ ۷ اسفند ۱۳۹۹ ] [ ۰۵:۴۱:۱۰ ] [ glafoldinss ]

Astronomers have now glimpsed for China pvc bi-folding door the first time a distant stars light bending and revealing its mass when an object passes in front of it, known as "gravitational microlensing," said the report in the journal Science. Sahu of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, focused on a distant star as its light was deflected around a nearby white dwarf star called Stein 2051 B.

A white dwarf is the remnant of a star that has completed its hydrogen-burning life cycle, and is a fossil of the prior generations of stars in our galaxy."This part of Einsteins prediction is called astrometric lensing and Sahus team was the first to observe it in a star other than the Sun," said Oswalt.But Einstein believed it would not be possible to see the phenomenon with stars other than our Sun. One of his key predictions has passed a very rigorous observational test," wrote Terry Oswalt of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, in an accompanying Perspective article in Science.Sahu and colleagues saw the two objects were slightly out of alignment, and an asymmetrical version of an Einstein ring formed, allowing the mass to be calculated.In a 1936 article in the journal Science, he wrote that because stars are so far apart "there is no hope of observing this phenomenon directly.

At the time, the discovery offered some of the first convincing proof for Einsteins theory of general relativity -- a law of physics that describes gravity as a geometric function of both space and time.This gravitational microlensing was seen in 1919, when starlight curved around a total eclipse of the Sun.

"When a star in the foreground passes exactly between us and a background star, gravitational microlensing results in a perfectly circular ring of light -- a so-called Einstein ring," said Oswalt.He said the finding is important because it "provides a new tool for determining the masses of objects we cant easily measure by other means," and opens a new window to understanding "the history and evolution of galaxies such as our own.The deflection of the background stars light is directly related to the mass and gravity of the white dwarf.Stein 2051 B is the sixth-closest white dwarf star to the Sun, and researchers discovered it has a mass about two-thirds that of the Sun."Of course, Einstein could not have predicted the Hubble Space Telescope would be launched in 2009 and offer unprecedented views of faraway stars and planets.".Fossil of a starUsing this NASA telescope, an international research team directed by Kailash C.Scientists have confirmed one of Albert Einsteins century-old theories by witnessing with the Hubble Space Telescope a phenomenon he thought would never be possible to see, researchers said Wednesday."Einstein would be proud

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[ ۱۴ بهمن ۱۳۹۹ ] [ ۰۶:۱۶:۰۵ ] [ glafoldinss ]

No arrests had been made in the death of Dequante William Lamar Hobbs Jr. China pvc door panel suppliers "It has nothing to do with spending more money," he said.The lack of appreciation for human life, the disregard for human life from beginning to end, is becoming increasingly evident as we see people who use guns as toys, guns as a way of expressing their emotion and their anger at things. "Its just senseless recklessness," she said. "Youre a child if youve got to use a gun to do anything. Someone pulled a gun and began firing. Matt Bevin took to Facebook to condemn the boys death and the record-setting homicide rate plaguing Louisville.Louisville: A 7-year-old boy was shot in the head by a stray bullet from a nearby fight as he played on his iPad and ate cake at his kitchen table, police said, leaving a grieving grandmother and the governor of Kentucky decrying the senselessness of random gunfire."The fight that led to her grandsons death broke out in the backyard of a nearby home Sunday night, police said.

"Youre not a man," she added bitterly."We had a 7-year-old who fell victim to the senseless violence thats going on here in our city," said Louisville Metro Police spokeswoman Lt.The murder pace is ahead of last year, when 40 murders had occurred by the same date, according to police records. The department investigated a record 118 homicides in 2016, The Courier-Journal reported.

"They call themselves men, but men dont go around shooting somebody over petty stuff," Tonya Hobbs Gough said by phone Monday, a day after her grandson was shot when an outdoor fight escalated into gunfire near his home in Kentuckys largest city. And in America for that matter."The Republican governor, a strong supporter of gun-ownership rights, said he planned to announce a "solution" next week to combat urban violence, but offered no details Monday. That needs to stop. The boy was at his kitchen table munching on a bedtime snack of leftover cake when the bullet pierced a window and hit him. Nobody else was injured in the shooting."Dequantes grandmother, who knew the boy as "Q," blamed Louisvilles rising homicide rate on guns ending up in the wrong hands.Relatives in the home did CPR until police and EMS arrived." The boys death is the 49th homicide investigated in Louisville this year, police said. "Reckless people and having guns.

Emily McKinley. Police and the boys family pleaded for information from any witnesses. "If this doesnt wake anybody up, then I dont know what will. "Weve got a huge cultural problem here in Kentucky, we truly do. Dequante was pronounced dead at a hospital. It has everything to do about engaging you as members of our communities."These kids should have an expectation that they can sit safely in their own home without being killed by random gunfire," he said. Kentucky Gov. "It has nothing to do with more police on the streets

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[ ۱۸ دى ۱۳۹۹ ] [ ۰۵:۳۱:۵۶ ] [ glafoldinss ]

Rest took English and Political Science (Hons) courses,” SOL director C.Com.However, it will also be introducing the choice-based credit system (CBCS) for the students from the current academic session and soon upload the online study material on its website.In addition, unlike regular colleges, the school also has a personal contact programme (PCP) where students interact with faculty members over a period of 30 days every year.SOL offers a total of five undergraduate courses of which three are honours courses in English, Political Science and Commerce, while the other two are degree in BA programme and B. Dubey said.Com..S. Also for the first time, SOL admitted three students who scored 100 per cent into its B.For China aluminum folding door manufacturers those students who are not able to meet the cut-offs required for any of the regular courses, Delhi University’s School of Open Learning (SOL) has the right choice to offer. There is no difference between the degree that is awarded by any of the university’s 77 colleges and the one awarded by SOL,” said SOL executive director H.

There are many who need time for self study if they plan to sit for competitive exams or earn at a young age,” Mr Pokhriyal said. Pokhriyal.The image of SOL, which is India’s oldest open and distance learning centre, has surely changed over the years.Significantly, the school even made it to the 2014 edition of the Limca Book of Records for admitting a record number of students in one day in the year 2013.Com. As compared to the 54,000 seats offered by all 77 regular colleges together, SOL has about 1,50,000 student intake on an average every year.Unlike common belief, a degree from SOL is no less than a degree received after studying in any of the DU colleges. “The online process proved to be very effective. It has not only been improving upon the teaching-learning methodology, but is also giving the students opportunities to earn while they learn. (Hons), followed by BA.

“Students keen on studying more than one course to get an added advantage at the end of three years, take up distance education. And now, since SOL is reaching the level to that of a premier college, it hardly matters if you’re studying in SOL or a top college,” said Vaibhav Chettri, an English Honours student. Among high scorers, majority of them chose B. course.

“SOL has always been a window of hope for those who wanted a degree from DU if they couldn’t get into a regular college.C.“SOL is like a blessing in disguise for students like us who could not meet up the high cut-off standards set by DU.This year, even the school introduced a complete online mode of registrations for students just like the regular colleges of the varsity. The classes will also be increased this year in order to interact with more students and teachers.Students enrolled at SOL study the same syllabi, take the same examination and are awarded the same degree by the university

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[ ۲۷ آذر ۱۳۹۹ ] [ ۰۸:۴۴:۲۲ ] [ glafoldinss ]

Demonstrators outside the Los Angeles City Hall also set ablaze a giant, box-shaped head resembling Trump's, topped with bright orange hair.Disappointment turned into protest as people in huge numbers rallied in at least 25 US cities - including New York and Nashville, Chicago and Cleveland, San Francisco andSeattle - shouting anti-Trump slogans, burning effigies, and holding candlelight vigils to mourn yesterday's result of the general election in which Trump secured a stunning victory despite his explosive and divisive rhetoric. A candlelight vigil was also held outside the White House last evening. He has been slammed by many for his divisive and derogatory rhetoric against minorities, women and immigrants.Angry Americans assembled at landmark locations in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, California, Colorado, Seattle, Los Angeles, Portland, Atlanta, Austin, Denver, San Francisco and other cities, and were seen walking on roads andhighway between moving traffic, holding placards that read 'No more Hate', and chanting "Not my President.

Late in the evening, hundreds of people blocked one of the city's busiest freeways - US 101 between downtown and Hollywood."Outside Trump's residence in Trump Tower on New York's Fifth Avenue, protesters gathered with signs that read "Dump Trump". Protesters walked about 40 streets from 14th Street to Fifth Avenue.In Los Angeles, demonstrators sprayed the Los Angeles Times building and news vans with anti-Trump profanity. Angry against the election of Trump as the president of the country, people were heard chanting "No Trump, wholesale wooden-aluminium window No KKK, No Fascists USA" and "Not my president!

"The massive protests came hours after Trump, a political outsider, secured a stunning victory against Clinton, defying all forecast, a development that refused to end months-long bitter campaigning by the two political leaders.In Washington, protesters gathered outside the White House protesting against Trump's racism, ***ism and xenophobia. Streets surrounding the towers were completely shut off due to the protests.Several arrests took place when the demostrators – that included people from all ages, faiths and nationalities – held vigils and blocked traffic.Thousands of protesters blocked entry to the Trump Tower in downtown Chicago.The 70-year-old real estate tycoon, who is said to have started off his maiden political campaign with a team of just six persons and a Twitter account, single-handedly ran one of the most unconventional presidential campaigns in which political correctness was tossed out of th e window..Authorities estimated that as many as 5,000 people protested the real estate mogul's victory outside the Trump Tower, including pop star Lady Gaga who is a staunch Hillary Clinton supporter.Several arrests took place when the demostrators held vigils and blocked traffic." "Not today. New York: Hundreds of thousands of Americans on Thursday election victory spilled to the streets amid chants of "Not my President" and "No Fascists USA", deepening the political turmoil further after months-long bitter campaign

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[ ۱۹ آذر ۱۳۹۹ ] [ ۰۶:۳۲:۳۵ ] [ glafoldinss ]

The University of Rochester researchers identified an inner ear deficiency in children with Autism that may impact their ability to recognize speech."This study identifies a simple, safe, and non-invasive method to screen young children for hearing deficits that are associated with Autism," said co-author Anne Luebke, adding: "This technique may provide clinicians a new window into the disorder and enable us to intervene earlier and help achieve optimal outcomes.While the origins of autism remain a mystery, a new study has pointed to the infant Casement Window hearing loss as a potential predictor."Auditory impairment has long been associated with developmental delay and other problems, such as language deficits," said co-author Loisa Bennetto.

"In the study, researchers used a technique that measures what are called otoacoustic emissions.The study appears in Autism Research. Early detection could help identify risk for ASD and enable clinicians to intervene earlier. They also found a correlation between the degree of cochlear impairment and the severity of ASD symptoms. "While there is no association between hearing problems and autism, difficulty in processing speech may contribute to some of the core symptoms of the disease.. The findings could ultimately be used as a way to identify kids at risk for the disorder at an early age.

Using miniature speaker/microphone earplugs, the researchers were able to measure hearing deficiencies by listening for signs that the ear is having difficulty processing sounds.They tested the hearing of children between the ages of 6 and 17, roughly half of whom have been diagnosed with ASD. They found that the children with ASD had hearing difficultly in a specific frequency (1-2 kHz) that is important for processing speech. Additionally, these findings can inform the development of approaches to correct auditory impairment with hearing aids or other devices that can improve the range of sounds the ear can process.

The test is akin to the screening that many newborns must undergo before leaving the hospital to check for hearing problems."Because the test is non-invasive, inexpensive, and does not require the subject to respond verbally, this technique could be adapted to screen infants, an approach that the team is currently exploring.Auditory impairment has long been associated with developmental delay and other problems, such as language deficits

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[ ۲۷ آبان ۱۳۹۹ ] [ ۰۶:۲۵:۳۷ ] [ glafoldinss ]

It follows North Korea's widely disputed claim last month to have tested a hydrogen bomb.Washington and its allies will consider it a further provocation and push for more tough sanctions. The rocket's first stage fell off North Korea's west coast at 9:32 am.South Korean President Park Geun-hye said the launch was an "intolerable provocation.North Korea has spent decades trying to perfect a multistage, long-range rocket.

North Korea in 2013 also did a nuclear test and then unnerved the international community by orchestrating an escalating campaign of bombast, including threats to fire nuclear missiles at the US and Seoul. The United States and Japan quickly requested an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Sunday morning, saying Pyongyang violated a council ban on ballistic missile launches.m." She said the North's efforts to advance its missile capabilities were "all about maintaining the regime" in Pyongyang and criticized the North Korean leadership for ignoring the hardships of ordinary North Koreans.Yonhap news agency and YTN TV in the South earlier reported that the rocket may have failed, but provided no other details. The UN Security Council prohibits North Korea from nuclear and ballistic missile activity.The rocket was fired from North Korea's west coast and tracked separately by the United States, Japan and South Korea.

The Korean border is the world's most heavily armed and the rivals' navies occasionally trade gunfire near a disputed boundary in the Yellow Sea. At an emergency national security council meeting in Seoul, the country's president called the firing an "intolerable provocation. But it has yet to demonstrate that it can produce nuclear bombs small enough to place on a missile, or missiles that can reliably deliver their bombs to faraway targets.Experts say that ballistic missiles and rockets in satellite launches share similar bodies, engines and other technology. The South Korean government couldn't immediately confirm the reports and said it was trying to assess what happened with the United States. Seoul: North Korea on Sunday defied international warnings and launched a long-range rocket that the United Nations and others call a cover for a banned test of technology for a missile that could strike the US mainland.

North Korea says its rocket launches are satellite missions, but the US, South Korea and others say they are a covert test of ballistic missile technology.North Korea has spent decades trying to develop operational nuclear weapons.Still, the North's nuclear tests and steadily improving long-range rocket launches push its nuclear aims further along. Japanese chief Cabinet spokesman Yoshihide Suga told reporters that no debris fell on Japanese territory. After several failures, it put its first satellite into space with a long-range rocket launched in December 2012. off the southwestern coast. The country is thought to have a handful of rudimentary nuclear bombs but there is debate about whether it is capable of building warheads small enough to mount on a missile that could threaten the United States."The launch came about two hours after an eight-day launch window opened Sunday morning. and the rocket disappeared from South Korean radars at 9:36 a.

"US National Security Adviser Susan Rice said in a statement that "North Korea's missile and nuclear weapons programs represent serious threats to our interests - including the security of some of our closest allies - and undermine peace and security in the broader region.It is thought to have a small arsenal of atomic bombs and an impressive array of short- and medium-range missiles.Under Kim Jong Un, a February 2012 deal for the United States to provide 240,000 metric tons of food aid in exchange for a freeze in nuclear and missile activities collapsed after a rocket launch by the North that April."Kim Jong Un has overseen two of the North's four nuclear tests and three long-range rocket tests since taking over after the death of his father, dictator Kim Jong Il, in late 2011.Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Japan "absolutely cannot allow this," and told reporters at the prime minister's residence: "We will take action to totally protect the safety and well-being of our people." North Korea calls its launches part of a peaceful space program and said its state media would soon make a "special announcement.. There was no reported damage in South Korea.The global condemnation began almost immediately. North Korea under leader Kim Jong Un has pledged to bolster its nuclear arsenal unless Washington scraps what Pyongyang calls a hostile policy meant to collapse Kim's government.Defense Ministry spokesman Moon Sang Gyun said a South Korean Aegis-equipped destroyer deployed in the sea off the country's west coast detected the North Korean launch at 9:31 am.

Japan's NHK broadcaster showed footage of an object visible in the skies from the southern island of Okinawa that was believed to be the rocket.Japan PM Shinzo Abe calls North China pvc single hung Suppliers Korean launch 'absolutely intolerable'The US Strategic Command issued a statement saying it detected and tracked a missile launched on a southern trajectory but it did not pose a threat to the United States or its allies. 6 nuclear test has led to another push in the UN to tighten sanctions.Six-nation negotiations on dismantling North Korea's nuclear program in exchange for aid fell apart in early 2009.North Korea has said that plutonium and highly enriched uranium facilities at its main Nyongbyon nuclear complex are in operation.Kim Jong Un has overseen two of North's 4 nuclear tests and 3 long-range rocket tests since taking over after his father's death.North Korean rocket and nuclear tests are seen as crucial steps toward the North's ultimate goal of a nuclear armed long-range missile arsenal. A US official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to be quoted by the media, said it may take days to assess whether the rocket was a success.The Jan

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[ ۱۳ آبان ۱۳۹۹ ] [ ۰۴:۱۸:۱۲ ] [ glafoldinss ]
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